Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Article: When Does Concrete Make More Sense?

This article basically went over the conditions and scenarios when concrete construction is better to use than steel.
It states that as projects become larger than 50,000 square feet the price of concrete starts to offset tilt-up construction's fixed costs and the method of concrete construction becomes cost-competitive with a metal building. The larger the building, the more advantageous tilt-up construction becomes.
It also states that the location of a site will influence the building materials used. Depending on the rules and regulations of each area some materials may not be used. It gives an example of an area with fairly high restrictions because of closeness of the neighbouring buildings. Fire restrictions are therfore in place and steel would become an unsutable alternative.
The moble crane lifts the panel and tilts it into position over the footing on this tilt-up construction project in the Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX area. In many cases, tilt-up construction is a better - and even more economical - choice than steel buildings

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