Friday, March 30, 2007

Construction Software: Leveraging the Management Process

I foud this aticle on builder and thought it was interesting as a am doin a computer subject this year. The article basically talked about the necessity of these programs such as autocad, archicad and microstations and cash flow programs.

Construction software allows users to create accurate, personalized documents such as proposals, estimates, budgets, CPM (Critical Path Management) schedules, and invoices. At the same time, it allows for better management of the sales process, including lead tracking, call backs, appointments, and the documentation of conversations. With scheduling integrated into estimating, cash flow requirements can be easily determined before the project begins. This allows the user to better determine when a project is ahead of schedule or, on the other hand, behind schedule. Shop drawings, and architectural drawings can also be created to the most pricise degree making the client and all involved in the project happy.

In the end, construction software can help companies improve their bottom line through cost savings, the realization of additional revenue opportunities, and a more proffessional and accurate bussiness.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

First construction Article:Historic Construction Projects, The Empire State Building

This article goes into the information behind the construction of one of the worlds most famous buildings and the period in time. Just thought it was interesting so thought i would add it in.
The Empire State Building was the first commercial construction project to employ the technique of fast-track construction, a common approach today but extremely new in the early 20th Century. This technique basically consists of starting the construction process before the designs are fully completed in order to reduce delays and inflation costs. In this case, it was important to use the fast-track construction method to win the race for the tallest building.
Various planning for the upper stories went on while the lower stories were being built, and the project became a model of efficiency.
I also thought that this was very interesting. The building was designed to be a lightning rod for the area. the Empire State Building is struck approximately 100 times each year. In 1945, the structural integrity of the building was tested when a twin-engine B-25 bomber crashed into the 79th floor. Fourteen people were tragically killed, but the building remained standing. Even though one of the plane's engine went right through the entire building, damage was confined to the outer wall, pretty amazing.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Bunnings Warehouse

In these pictures of Bunnings Warehouse, you are able to view the structural members that hold the building in place.

Steel beems are positioned around the roof, the walls and throughout, enabling a stable and suitable structure.